Our last adventure at West Wittering Beach, West Sussex!

It’s October next week and instead of hibernating indoors watching telly with the heating on we’re exploring the coast enjoying the bright sunshine and mild weather.

West Wittering Beach

It’s 18 degrees today and windy down at West Wittering beach. My mummy spends a little while hammering down the wind breakerย with a bit of driftwood and Grandma lays out of thick wool picnic blanket.West Wittering Beach

It’s chilly in the breeze but hot in the sunshine. I can’t wait to put my swimming costume on and attempt to swim in the depths of the Solent.

West Wittering Beach

A lot of surfers are out today but apart from that the beach is deserted. White sand dunes are piled high next to ice-cream coloured beach huts. The gentle breeze casts low-level sand snakes across the flat plains of the long beach.

I race to the water’s edge desperate to dip my toes in. My mummy isn’t so sure about being dragged into the cold sea. She hasn’t got a swimming costume on…and she’s freezing and not running around like a looney so hasn’t had time to warm herself up yet.

West Wittering Beach

We pluck out shells from the ocean and take Ariel and Barbie mermaids with us. We race into the sea with them and run back to shore as soon as we see a jelly fish, it’s dead but it still spooks me.

West Wittering Beach

A good hour goes by with us all being chased in and out of the water by the waves. The mermaids watch us and so do some bemused dog walkers who are all dressed in jeans and heavy winter coats. My mummy is in shorts and a t-shirt and I’m in my wetsuit. They must think we’re mad. We carve my name into the wet sand with our toes and tell the waves to stop and stay away from our masterpieces.

West Wittering Beach

It starts to get too cold, so after all the fun in the water we retreat back to our beach shelter and hide under sun-dried towels and behind the wind break. Our skin is sandy and goose pimply.

West Wittering Beach

Our pack lunch is all sandy. Sandy sausages and ham, sandy grapes and bananas. I chew them and sand grinds against my teeth. Urgh yuk!ย Sand has gotten everywhere!

West Wittering Beach

Its in my ears and up my snot filled nose, I have to wear sunglasses to keep it from going into my eyes.ย I spend the remainder of the afternoon, jumping in large sandy holes which were pre-dug by previous visitors to the beach.

West Wittering Beach

We forgot our bucket and spades so we used a plastic cup and the beakers from lunch to make a sand castle and moat. I help embellish the tops with stones and shells. Occasionally destroying them by kicking them over when my mummy isn’t looking. Just call me ‘Bellzilla’.

West Wittering Beach

It takes us ages to pack up and leave, my mummy wrestles with the pop-up wind shelter/UV tent and rolling the wind break up. Grandma has a giggle and stands there watching her.

I play hide and seek in the holes, with only my mop of sandy blonde hair blowing in the breeze against the sand to give my position away.ย Finally we’re all packed up and head home in the car.

Russell's Garden Centre

We leave via a cool local garden centre called Russell’s to have a cream tea and some late lunch. I enjoy chasing the resident garden centre chickens around while we wait for our food. They peck and prune their feathers and make lots of clucking noises x

West Wittering Beach
I had a wonderful time today with mummy and grandma and we were all amazed that we managed to get another day at the beach this year. Talk about sucking the last drops out of the summer.

Now where’s my winter coat?!

Love Bella x

Life Unexpected



My Travel Monkey

29 thoughts on “Sucking out the last drops of summer

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  1. Love the mermaids and looks like you had a fun day making the most of the sunshine. I love West Wittering beach – haven’t been there for a long time though. Glad you had a fun time although the sandy picnic doesn’t sound particularly appetising ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. We were at the beach this weekend too, it was wonderful to be out and enjoying the sunshine even if the breeze was a bit chilly. Glad you had a great time x

  3. Need I mention we are just hitting our summer..(well..spring.. ) strides down here in Oz??! Those pop up beach tents are soooo not ‘pop up’; always a wrestle!! My 3 year old son was desperate to look at this blog due to those gorgeous mermaids…gorgeous, twinkling pictures. Hope the winter is not too horrible…! #TwinklyTuesday

  4. I’ve not made it to the beach for a couple of weeks though my Country Kids post is from there this week. Nothing better than enjoying the beach after the August crowds have gone, love the photos with the mermaids and cups for spades works just fine. Looks like we have another week of beach weather to come! #PointShoot

  5. Such a great idea, got make the most of the sunshine whilst you can and if I lived by the sea I would defiantly head there any chance we got. Looks like you all had a fab time!! Popping over from #twinklytuesday ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Aah I feel sad that we haven’t been to the beach *once* this summer!!! Maybe next year?! Thanks for linking up with us at #TwinklyTuesday

  7. We love West Wittering beach ๐Ÿ™‚ although for some reason we never visit in the height of Summer! I don’t know why. Looks like you all had a brilliant time although i would be like mummy and not brave the water! #whatevertheweather x

  8. Ahh the perfect day and beautiful photos! Love the seaside and we have done the same, sucking out the last drops of summer with a Brighton daytrip yesterday – we’ve been so lucky with the extra sunshine this year! Sabrina xx #twinklytuesday

  9. Aww, such a lovely day out, I love that there were dog walkers going past in winter coats whilst you were enjoying the beach! A great idea to get the last out of summer, clearly not cold enough to put you off visiting the beach!
    Thanks for linking up your windy beach trip to #Whatevertheweather ๐Ÿ™‚ x

  10. This sounds like the perfect day out ‘Bellzilla!’ The best time to go to the beach is when everyone has started to leave and you can enjoy their holes and sandcastles. You’re so brave going in the sea, although you’d get on well with my daughter because she’s obsessed with the sea. She made me put my toes in it with her today and it’s October and FREEZING! She also eats a lot of crunchy, sandy sandwiches but she hasn’t quite got the hang of ‘if I drop them in the sand, don’t eat them’. This beach looks so beautiful. I miss summer so much. Thank you for linking this post to #whatevertheweather x

  11. This is so crazy, My foster mum has a caravan down in Whittering and when I used to live with her we would go to West Whittering beach all the time. It was fun! x

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