Ode to a Jaffa Cake

Jaffa Cake, Jaffa Cake you’re a cardinal sin,
Why is it when my daddy buys you in
We all feel the need to consume your chocolate goodness
and amber soft centre of wobbly pud-ness.

Ode to a Jaffa Cake

You’re not quite a cake but shaped like a biscuit,
it’s hard for a toddler to decide whether to risk it.
I’ve never experienced a taste as divine
and if I was you I wouldn’t dare touch a tube
of Jaffa’s that are mine.

Is it a biscuit, as it sits on the shelf?
Or will you find them in the cake aisle as they go hard by themselves?!
Is it a chocolate treat? There can’t be another that compares to its greatness,
as suggested by my mother.

Ode to a Jaffa Cake

They have a light sponge base that is made out of air
and an orange jelly top which I pick off without care.
All wrapped up in a melted dark chocolate coating
which I can separate in one swift move
…I know I shouldn’t be gloating!

My daddy can consume a whole packet in one sitting,
while my granny can graze on them while she’s doing her knitting.

Ode to a Jaffa Cake

My folks remember the advert that was 90’s TV gold,
of a full moon, a half moon….it never got old.
They like to recreate the ‘total eclipse’
by stuffing Jaffa’s in their gobs quickly – it’s hard not to miss!

It’s safe to say my whole family are fans of a McVities Jaffa Cake,
so please don’t stop making these treats for heaven’s sake!

Love a Jaffa Cake addict. Aged 3.

Β Rhyming with Wine


42 thoughts on “Ode to a Jaffa Cake

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  1. Hahaha what a cute and funny poem!! I love how you incorporated the ever so famous advert in there! I literally have to act that out every time I open a pack! Safe to say we are all addicted here too!!

  2. Haha I loved this! So good, I completely forgot about the advert! I remember doing it as a kid all the time, literally everytime you ate a jaffa cake haha

  3. Haha! We’ve eaten hundreds since we got back to the UK.My Thai wife was a quick convert. Full moon, half moon! How could I have forgotten that!!


  4. Who doesn’t love a jaffa cake? Very worthyt of an ode in my opinion. Personally I have yet to eat one without reciting the whole “full moon, half moon, total eclipse” thingy. Brilliant! Thanks for linking with #fartglitter x

  5. Although Jaffa Cakes are not my cup of tea, I did love his poem :-)) hope you don’t mind but I’ve re-blogged it (giving a link to your site, of course)

  6. I love the cheap jaffa cakes.. but marks and sparks have the best jaffa cakes with a soft jelly.. They are my ultimate favorite.. eveyone should try them!

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