Dear Mummy, I know 2017 hasn’t been the easiest of years for you but we have had some fun. Even though you spent a lot of your time off work and in hospital we’ve still managed to squeeze in some family adventures together. We missed our holiday at the beginning of the year in Mexico due to you being admitted 4 days before we flew out, thankfully that lung collapse was caught before you boarded the flight.

Fast forward 6 months, 3 lung collapses and 2 lung surgeries later, you’ve recovered and we’ve been to EIGHT festivals, reviewed numerous events and you took the leap and boarded a plane to Dubrovnik! It’s been a pretty hectic end of year with lots of Christmas events and a whirlwind trip to Cornwall to stay at Coombe Mill as a New Years treat.

For us the motto for 2017 has been “Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.”ย Recovery is slow after surgery but you can’t stop living life to its full. A health scare can make you realise that. Here’s our year in numbers…

Dear Mummy Blog Infographic 2017

Love Bella x


39 thoughts on “2017 – Our Year in Review

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  1. What an eventful 2017 – I do hope you’re on the mend now. It seems like you’ve had a fun year despite the ill health. I love your graphic too – such a visual representation of all your fun!

  2. I really hope that 2018 will be the year that your health is better and fingers crossed your lungs will be ok. Amazing that you were able to make the most of 2017 at least xx

  3. Your mummy has definitely has some challenges that Iโ€™m sure affect all of you. Wishing you all a healthy and happy 2018 xx

  4. So sorry to hear you have been poorly but glad you are on the mend! It sounds like beside that you have all had a pretty awesome year with lots of adventures and memories to treasure! Happy New Year, wishing you all a happy and healthy 2018.

  5. What an eventful 2017! Eight festivals is pretty impressive considering your mummys health scares. I hope 2018 is a great year too. x

  6. What a year. So good that it was diagnosed before you were flying or in another country! Poor you! Take care and Happy New Year x

  7. I remember mummy being really poorly in hospital, and I’m so glad she’s better now. And, wow! Look how much you guys did last year despite mummy having to spend all that time being treated. You guys rock! Wishing you all the very best for 2018 ๐Ÿ™‚

    Louise x

  8. I love how you have put together the infographic on your year, you managed to get up to so much, even though it was a really bad year for you – here’s hoping 2018 has more good and less bad.

  9. I can’t believe how much you’ve done considering your health issues and operations. You’re like super woman x

  10. Oh I am loving the infographic you put together and wow what a year. You are such a positive person, not sure how I would of coped with all the hospital visits but 8 festivals – thats amazing!! Bet you will have an awesome 2018

    1. Thanks, a lot of them were booked before the year started and my mummy didn’t want to miss out. It was slow going though, especially through the mud – but everyone looked after her! Its amazing what pain killers can do!

  11. what a great way to display your year. I found myself going through every bit of the image:) Congratulations on the social numbers:)

  12. Wow 2017 was a huge year for you wasn’t it. I love how you’ve displayed and written about the ups and downs. I hope 2018 is better health wise for you and that your blog continues to go from strength to strength xxxx

  13. Wow, what an eventful year youโ€™ve had. Glad your collapsed lung was caught before getting on the plane though and that you had such a good year despite the health struggles. Hope you have a better year health wise and just as fab a year in all other areas of life

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