Dear mummy, this is a chapter of our lives I'm sure we'd rather forget but worth documenting. The road to recovery can often be a bumpy one. After my mummy's last hospital stay eight weeks ago (see posts here) tragedy struck again and led to her second lung collapse. Fast forward a couple of weeks and... Continue Reading →

Dear Mummy, we've been basking in the sun this week and nursing summer colds. With a change in the temperature our noses are running, eyes are itching and sore throats are back, but that hasn't stopped us enjoying the warm sunshine. My mummy was chuffed to be featured in Oxfam's round-up of their #DressedByTheKids day.... Continue Reading →

Dear Mummy, we wandered down to the woods again at Micheldever. An enchanting wood which is renowned for its bluebells. The last of the Bluebells are dying and withering beneath our feet. I climb trees with my daddy and enjoy running round in the open space pointing at objects shouting "What's that?!?" Mummy and I hunt for... Continue Reading →

Dear mummy, We've been meaning to find the elusive Micheldever Wood for some time now and it wasn't until NorthHantsMum posted a link to address details that we finally found it. It's in fact no where near Micheldever! Coming from the M3 and Basingstoke turning, you head toward Winchester and Dummer on the A30. You... Continue Reading →

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