10 things I love and hate by a toddler

The Love/Hate Blogger Challenge

I was nominated for the Love/Hate Blogger challenge by the lovely parenting blog Mudpie Fridays. The challenge is to simple – write 10 things you love and 10 things you hate. Here are mine from the perspective of a toddler…

10 Things I Love

1) Having my folks around to entertainment me, they make good friends and I know they will always be there for me. My mummy is my muse and my idol at the moment. I love copying her and pretending to be a mini-me.

2) Daddy and Mummy cuddles are warm and reassuring. Sometimes I wish I could stay in their embrace all the time.

3) Rough play and soft play. I love throwing myself down slides and climbing.

4) Messy play. What’s not to love about messy play? As a toddler I love playing with anything messy and colourful.

5) Imaginary play and pretending to be chased by lions. I have a thing about being chased and hiding from scary creatures, my mummy hopes it is just a phase.

6) Sitting outside in the sunshine on a picnic blanket at a National Trust property. My idea of pure bliss with bubbles being blown and lots of grassy space to run around on.

7) Going shoe shopping, well I am a girl after all. My mummy is amazed about how much I love shoes already! Heaven help her when I’m a teenager!

8) Warm milk and ‘nom nom’! I love carrots and strawberries! I still love having my bedtime bottle.

9) My soft toy friends! My flavour of the month is Panda and Elsa (from Frozen) I’m a big Disney fan already!

10) Going to nursery. I love seeing my little friends and getting up to mischief with them. Whenever my mummy picks me up I’ve always got a big smile on my face and am eager to tell her about my day. I’m sometimes so hyper that I can’t get my words out.

10 Things I hate

1) The dark. Yes I need the nightlight on with stars projected on my ceiling.

2) Not leaving my door open at night. I hate having the door closed and mummy and daddy leaving me alone in my room.

3) Cutting my nails. I can’t stand having my little nails cut…however I love getting them painted!

4) Getting my hair wet or the wind blowing through my hair. Bathtimes can be interesting, it’s ok when I wash my own hair though?!?

5) Saying goodbye and leaving loved ones especially seeing my grandma go once she’s visited.

6) Being told “no”. I’m sure everyone else is the same….even adults!

7) Coming inside the house after being outside playing, why does the fun have to end?

8) The sound of the Hoover, that whiney, high pitched drone is so annoying!

9) Our cat running away from me all the time, when all I want is a cuddle. I get super frustrated.

10) ….everyday I think of new things to hate but it changes like the wind. One minute I love it the next I hate it 😉 that’s the beauty of being a toddler…I can’t make my mind up!

I hope you like my list of things I love and things I hate! I’m only 2 yrs so by the time I hit 3 yrs I sure it will change again!!

Toodlers eh?

Love Bella x

Brilliant blog posts on HonestMum.com

The List


11 thoughts on “10 Things I Love / Hate

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  1. Lol this is brilliant 🙂 Monkey is the same re the dark, the ‘no’ and the cat…. all he wants is a cuddle too!! 😦 Great getting to know you a bit more, thank you for taking up the nomination xx

  2. We love Disney, Messy play and imaginary play too! I also dont like to say goodbye to loved one’s. Especially when it is family from New Zealand like my mum and dad, I always cry when they leave! (every 2-4 years they visit) Happy but sad times!

    Angela from daysinbed.com

  3. Messy play and soft play, what could be better? What a lovely list. You are right though, today and tomorrow have different likes when they are so young.

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